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Showing posts with label What is tumor and its types. Show all posts

May 19, 2021

What is COVID-19?


Coronavirus disease (COVID -19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered virus.

COVID - 19 is caused by the virus SARS-CoV-2. Many people who fall sick with COVID -19 will experience mild to moderate symptoms and recover without any special treatment.

Coronavirus is a new virus that began in China and cause mild to severe respiratory illness. Now it has spread worldwide. Coronavirus was named as "corona" due to the presence of many crowns like spikes on its surface. This cause respiratory illness in humans and it affects animals as well.

Common examples of coronavirus are, that cause illness in humans 

  • Severe acute respiratory syndrome 
  • Middle East respiratory syndrome 

The new strain of coronavirus, COVID -19 was first reported in Wuhan, China in December 2019. It has spread to all continents  (except Antarctica).

It is affecting many people in just a blink of an eye. It seems to be very dangerous if care will not adopt. 

What are symptoms of CORONAVIRUS? 

If someone feels these symptoms or combination of these symptoms one may have coronavirus, these are according to CDC.

  • Fever or chills 
  • Headaches 
  • Tiredness
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath
  • Loss of taste and smell
  • Muscle and body aches
  • Sore throat 
  • Difficulty breathing 
  • Congestion or runny nose
  • Nausea or vomiting 
  • Diarrhea 

Additional symptoms are possible.

After exposure to the virus, symptoms may appear between 2 to 14 days,  which may be mild to severe. Older adults are more susceptible while children are also affected. People with medical conditions like heart diseases, lung issues, diabetes are at greater risk of COVID -19 infection.

In case of difficulty breathing, persistent pain or pressure in the chest, bluish lips, or face immediately call 911 and get immediate medical attention.


How coronavirus diagnosed? 

COVID-19 is diagnosed with a laboratory test. The Heath care provider may collect a sample of saliva or swab nose or throat for testing.

If the test result will be positive, then you have COVID-19 but if it is negative then you are not affected. But take care of yourself.

Who is at greater risk? 

  • People who have close contact with an infected person, close contact means within 6 feet of an  infected person.
  • People who live in an area with ongoing spread or recently  travelled that place and area.
  • People over age 60 who have preexisting medical conditions are more susceptible.
  • People who do not care himself/herself.
  • People having weakened immune system, poor diet and lifestyle also affects.
How does COVID-19 spread from person to person? 

It is most likely to spread: 

  • Virus travel in respiratory droplets when an infected person coughs, sneezes, talks, sings or breaths near another person within six feet of distance the other person will may affect. This is the main way to spread
  • From close contact like touching, shaking hands, hugging.
  •  The spread is more likely to occur in enclosed spaces with poor ventilation.
  • By touching surfaces that the virus had landed on and then touch your face, nose, mouth, eyes without washing hands. But it is not very common.
The virus travels to the back of your nasal passages and mucous membrane in the back of your throat. It then grasps the cells there and begins to multiply which then moves to lung tissues and from there spread to other body tissues thus causing discomfort and distress.

Preventive measures

  • Wearing a mask
  • Staying six feet apart
  • Washing hands often 
  • Stay away from infected people 
  • Get good nutrition
  • Adequate sleep
  • Use gloves
  • Not to go at crowded places
  • Avoid smoking
  • Improve immune system 
  • Be clean and be positive 
  • Stay home stay safe
The only person who can save you from this pandemic situation is only you.

           Live happy, stay healthy.

May 10, 2021


How you can manage your stress 

Stress is one of the serious conditions that damage your health. These days it is hard not to get overwhelmed once in a while. Between juggling work you can become too stressed and you need to set time aside to unwind or your mental and physical health can suffer.

1-Acknowledge the stress

You know the saying that the first step to solving a problem is to recognize that you have one? Start dealing with stress by acknowledging that you are experiencing it. This may seem over simplified but it is an important first step.

Here are 10 ways to make it easier.

2-Relax your Muscles 

 When you are stressed, your muscles get tense and you need to loosen them to lower the stress and you can do this on your own and refresh your body by 

  • Taking a hot bath or shower
  • Good night's sleep 
  • Stretching 
  • Enjoying a massage 


One of the best ways to manage the most stressful life events to exercise. Exercise will improve your mood. But you have to do it often for being to pay off.

Set your goal of exercise for every week, so how much should you exercise every week? 

Do moderately intense exercise like brisk walk for an hour or 30 minutes or 75 minutes of a more vigorous exercise i.e., swimming or jogging or other sports.


Set your goals and don't give up soon you will feel relaxed.


4-Deep Breathing

Stooping and taking a few breaths can take the pressure off you right away. You will be surprised how much better you feel once you get good at it. Follow the following steps.

  • Sit in a comfortable position with your hands in your lap and your feet on the floor.
  • Then close your eyes.
  • Imagine yourself in a relaxing place. It can be everywhere that gives you a peaceful feeling either on grass or on the floor.
  • Slowly take breath in and out.
  • Do it for 5 to 10 minutes at a time.

5-Eat a Healthy Diet 

 Eating a healthy and well balanced diet will help you feel better. It can also control your mood. Your meal should contain all types of energy sources like vegetables, fruits, whole grains and protein and don't miss anything that can affect your mood which in actually increase your stress.

 A healthy person is always happy.


6-Make Time for Hobbies

You need to set a timetable for you. You need to set aside time thing you enjoy. Always try to do things which make you happy and help relieve your stress. Relaxing hobbies include

  • Playing a game such as golf
  • Watching a movie 
  • Doing puzzles
  • Reading
  • Gardening
  • Music 
  • Social network

7-Get Support

Chronic pain can be lonely, isolating condition. Too often even our loved ones don't understand  what we are going through. Support groups and online forums can make dealing with chronic pain easier, especially if stressful life events occur in addition to your daily pain.


8-Share Your Problems 

 You can talk about your problems with your family, brother, sister, doctor, therapist or a trusted person. And you can also talk to yourself. It is called self talk and we all do it. Sharing your problems will reduce your stress. It will also train you to take a right decision at a right time.


9-Slow Down And sleep

 Today the life is so busy and sometimes we need to slow down and check out. Have a look in your life and organize the things in a better way. Take appropriate sleep about6 to 8 hours and refresh your mind.


10-Eliminate Your Triggers 

Figure out what are the biggest causes of your stress in your life. Is it your job, your commute, your schoolwork, your study or anything else. If you are able to figure out, then you can reduce your stress and live a happy life.



 Stress can be defined as any type of change that causes physical, emotional, or psychological strain. Stress is your body's response to anything that requires attention or action.

Stress can be of any type either acute stressor chronic stress. These describe the difference between the little stresses that we experience on daily basis and the more severe stress builds hen you exposed to stressful situation  for longer period.  

Everyone experience stress to some degree the way you respond to stress however, make a big difference to over wellbeing.

The lower brain structure secretes a stress hormone. The stress hormone signals the adrenal glands to secrete adrenaline.  This causes the muscles to tense, the heart to beat faster and the liver to send out sugar to be used in the muscles.

 Signs of stress

STRESS can be short term or long term. Both can lead to variety of signs and symptoms. Some common signs include.

  • Change in mood 
  • Clammy and sweaty palms 
  • Decreased sex derive 
  • Diarrhea
  • Difficulty sleeping 
  • Digestive problems
  • Dizziness
  • Feeling anxious 
  • Frequent sickness
  • Grinding teeth 
  • Headaches
  • Low energy
  • Muscle lesion, especially in the neck and shoulders
  • Physical aches and pain
  • Racing heart beat 
  • Trembling 

It is not easy to recognize stress. There are few thing you can watch for.


Physiological signs

  • difficulty in concentrating 
  • worrying 
  • anxiety 

Emotional signs 

  • angry
  • irritated 
  • moody or frustrated 

Physical signs 

  • high blood pressure
  • changes in weight 
  • infections 
  • changes in menstrual cycle and libido   

Behavioral  signs 

  • poor self care
  • no time for enjoy 
  • relaying on drug
  • alcohol cope


Factors Moderating the Impact of Stress

  • Social support 

- Increased immune functioning 

  • Optimism 

- More adaptive coping 

- Pessimistic explanatory style 

  • Conscientiousness

- Fostering better health habbits

  • Autonomic reactivity

- Cardiovascular reactivity to stress


  • Chronic pain, such as lower back pain and neck pain 
  • OBESITY it is also the leading cause of many other diseases. Excess level of cortisol, that floods our body during stress, causes fatty deposition around the mid section when the stress becomes chronic.
  • DIABETES stress raises the glucose levels of those with type 2 diabetes directly.
  • Stress increases the chances of developing anxiety and depression by as much as 80%.
  • Stress leads to gastrointestinal disorders like stomach pain. GERD and IBS.
  • STRESS  accelerating the aging.

Stress is an illness which cause disasters in your body. In conclusion stress is one of the major cause of health destructions and unhappy life. So try to live happy and make such events in life which reduce your stress.





                                        LIVE HAPPY STAY HEALTHY.




Impressive Health Benefits Of Onion In Daily Life

Though all vegetables are important for health, but certain kinds of vegetables offers unique benefits. Yes, onion is one of the vegetable which provides great health benefits specially for heart health.

Onions belong to member of ALLIUM genus of flowering plants. It contains antioxidants and compounds that fight inflammation, decrease triglycerides and reduce cholesterol levels- all of which may lowers heart disease risk. 

Their potent anti-inflammatory may also help reduce high blood pressure and protect against blood clots.

Consuming onions cures cold, cough, sore throat, and fever. Inhaling the smell of onion helps to stop nose bleeds.

It has antibiotic, antiseptic, antimicrobial properties which help to fight against certain infections.

Have a look on impressive health benefits and significance of onion:

Loaded With Antioxidants 

Antioxidants are compounds that inhibit oxidation, a process that leads to cellular damage and contributes to disease like cancer, diabetes and heart diseases. Onions are found to be an excellent source of antioxidants. In fact, they contain over 25 different varieties of flavonoid antioxidants. Onions are packed with vitamin C, it is a rich source of B 6 and B 11, minerals such as iron, chromium, molybdenum, manganese and potassium, onions contain the amino acid tryptophan also.

Red onions contain Anthocyanin that gives red onions deep color. Additionally, Anthocyanins have been found to protect against certain types of cancer and diabetes.

Onions also contain Fisetin and Quercetin, Flavonoid antioxidants that may inhibit tumor growth.

Onions are linked to lower the risk of certain cancers like stomach and colon. These cancer fighting properties have been linked to the sulfur compounds and flavonoid antioxidants found in Allium vegetables.

Help Control Blood Sugar 

Onions are very good for people with diabetes and prediabetes as it helps control blood sugar. Compounds found in onions such as quercetin and sulfur compounds, posses antidiabetic effects. For example quercetin interacts with cells in the small intestine, fat tissues, skeletal muscles, pancreas and liver to control whole body blood sugar regulation.

Boost Bone Density

Onions have been found good for bones, it may help support strong bones and may prevent osteoporosis, decrease bone loss and boost bone density.

Inflammation from arthritis in the joints can be healed with onions.

Boost Digestive Health

As onions are rich in fiber and probiotics thus they are necessary for gut health. A diet rich in probiotics may help improve the absorption of important minerals like calcium which may improve bone health. These help increase the number of friendly bacteria in your gut and improve immune function.

                   Onions have antibacterial properties which fight bacteria.

It reduces the digestion problems by increases the release of digestive juices.

Fight The Effects Of Aging

Onions possess enormous anti-aging benefits. Vitamins A, C and E fight with harmful UV rays as well as prevent free radical damage that is responsible for premature aging. It also prevents wrinkles on your skin and keeps it soft and supple. Massaging your skin with fresh onion juice helps increase blood circulation and improves overall appearance of your skin. Onion juice can cure burnt skin or an insect bite or a bee bite. It may burn more, but it can heal it very effectively.

Make Skin Glow

onion effects for skin glow

As discussed earlier, onions are packed with vitamin A, C and E- all of which contribute to skin health.

  • Protect the skin from premature aging that is caused by free radicals.
  • As a powerful antiseptic it shields the skin from bacteria that cause issues.
  • Vitamin C is important for imparting a glow to skin.

Treat Acne 

It is a powerful antiseptic that protects your skin from acne causing bacteria and other skin infections. Onions can be used in the treatment of acne and pimples.

Remove Dark spots

Onion juice is excellent for getting rid of dark spots and pigmentation. It removes the skin impurities and clean your skin. 

Benefits of Onion For Hair 

Onions are good for hairs and improve hair health and appearance. Onion water is a good source for hair growth and thickness. Sulfur and keratin is also a sulfur rich, which are essential elements for hair growth found in onions and onion juice.

Onion juice can also treat dandruff and consider as a dandruff healer. Apart from dandruff onions can also treat other scalp infections.

Help Cure Sleeping Disorder

An onion a day can cure insomnia and sleeping disorders. This will surely give you a good night's sleep.


In conclusion onions are very essential for our health so make it sure to have a part of the daily diet.

                                    LIVE HAPPY STAY HEALTHY

What is COVID-19?

About Coronavirus disease (COVID -19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered virus. COVID - 19 is caused by the virus SARS-Co...